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作者: 来源: 日期:2017-01-13 9:02:08

US turns fire on Fiat Chrysler over alleged emissions cheating





Fiat Chrysler could face a fine of up to $4.6bn after the US Environmental Protection Agency accused the company of violating emissions laws in 104,000 diesel vehicles, only a day after Volkswagen agreed to pay a $4.3bn criminal fine for deliberately evading US pollution laws.

菲亚特-克莱斯勒(Fiat Chrysler)可能面临至多46亿美元的罚款,因为美国国家环境保护局(Environmental Protection Agency)指控该公司的10.4万辆柴油车违反了空气清洁法,而就在一天前,大众汽车(Volkswagen)同意支付因蓄意规避美国环保法而被处以的43亿美元刑事罚款。广州汽车翻译公司。


The move comes in the last days before Donald Trump assumes the presidency, signalling a determination on the part of Obama-era regulators to be as tough as possible on emissions violations before new appointees take office.

该事件发生在唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)上台前的最后几天,表明奥巴马(Obama)时代的监管机构决心在新总统就任之前尽可能严厉地惩处违规排放行为。


Sergio Marchionne, chief executive of Fiat Chrysler, denied the allegations and accused the EPA of “grandstanding” by announcing the charges only a week before Mr Trump takes office. “We have done nothing that is illegal,” he said, adding there were no similarities between his company’s behaviour and VW’s. “They [the EPA] think we all belong to a class of criminals . . . We’re not trying to break the bloody law.”

菲亚特-克莱斯勒首席执行官塞尔焦•马尔基翁内(Sergio Marchionne)否认了这些指控,并指责美国环保局在特朗普就职一周前宣布这些指控是“哗众取宠”。他说:“我们没有做任何违法的事情。”他补充称,他的公司在行为上与大众没有相似之处。“他们(美国环保局)认为我们全都属于一类罪犯……我们没有试图违反那部该死的法律”。


The EPA issued Fiat a “notice of violation” accusing it of using illegal software that allowed 104,000 recent model diesel-powered Jeep sport utility vehicles and Ram pick-up trucks to emit toxic substances beyond legal limits. Fiat said that about 600,000 similar engines have been installed in its European vehicles.



The EPA stopped short of accusing Fiat of intentionally designing the software to evade tests — the violation admitted by VW, which acknowledged that the defeat device was installed to avoid sacrificing engine power. “We are asking Fiat Chrysler to show us how these do not constitute illegal defeat devices,” said Cynthia Giles, an EPA assistant administrator.

美国环保局没有指责菲亚特故意设计此类软件来逃避检测——大众承认故意安装减效装置(defeat device)来避免牺牲发动机动力。美国环保局助理局长辛西娅•贾尔斯(Cynthia Giles)表示:“我们要求菲亚特-克莱斯勒向我们表明,这些装置如何不构成减效装置。”


The potential fine per vehicle could be $44,539. Based on the same calculations, VW was facing $17bn in fines at the same stage in its EPA battle. All told, VW has paid about $20bn to Washington and car owners and dealers. Fiat lawyers have advised it is likely the US Department of Justice, which brought criminal charges against VW, is working on the case, the Fiat chief said.



The EPA decided to probe Fiat in September 2015 as a result of the VW probe, officials said. After the VW claims were made public, environmental regulators decided to screen for any software that causes a car to emit fewer pollutants when being tested by the government than when being driven normally.



The EPA said the tests showed Fiat models produced increased nitrogen oxide emissions, particularly when driving at high speeds or for prolonged periods. It said it had found “at least eight undisclosed pieces of software” that altered pollution emissions. California Air Resource Board chair Mary Nichols said: “Once again, a major automaker made the business decision to skirt the rules and got caught.”

美国环保局表示,检测表明菲亚特车型排放了更多的氮氧化物,尤其是在高速或长时间行驶的时候。它说,已经发现“至少8个未经披露的软件”改变了污染排放水平。加州空气资源委员会(Air Resources Board)主席玛丽•尼克斯(Mary Nichols)表示:“又有一家大型汽车制造商作出了与规则打擦边球的商业决定,结果被抓到了。”


Both the EPA and Fiat drew a distinction between VW and Fiat, with Mr Marchionne saying that anyone who drew comparisons with VW was “smoking something illegal”.



