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作者: 来源: 日期:2017-01-03 8:59:55

Five industries under threat from technology





Over the past year, technology and ‘sharing economy’ start-ups have continued their disruption of traditional industries — from Uber and other ride hailers’ shake-up of the taxi market to Airbnb’s myriad alternatives to conventional hotel stays.



But which will be the next businesses to be challenged by further digitisation and automation?



FT correspondents have looked ahead five to 10 years to identify those industry sectors and companies set to shrink — or disappear completely — as tech disruption marches on.



Here are their next five nominations for industries under threat of extinction.



Disrupter: Online travel platforms



Industry threatened High-street travel agents



Reason why More travellers booking online



Tui is the world’s largest tour operator, running high-street travel agencies under the Thomson and First Choice brands, writes Murad Ahmed. But its chief executive Fritz Joussen says the “end game” is to morph into a different kind of business — less reliant on selling package holidays and more focused on owning and operating hotels and cruise ships.

据英国《金融时报》穆拉德•艾哈迈德(Murad Ahmed)报道,途易(Tui)是世界最大旅游公司,以ThomsonFirst Choice等品牌经营实体旅行社。但其首席执行官弗里茨•茹森(Fritz Joussen)表示,“终局”是转变商业模式——减少对度假套餐销售的依赖,更着重拥有和运营酒店和游轮。广州科技翻译公司。


 We have today about 30 per cent to 35 per cent of profit contribution from hotels and cruises,” he says. “In three years, I would say we will be way above 50 per cent. We are really transforming the company.”



The changes at Tui reflect broader shifts in the industry. Traditional bricks-and-mortar agencies have been in decline for years, as travellers become more comfortable booking trips through online outlets such as Expedia.



According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of travel agents in the US fell from 132,000 in 1990, to 74,000 in 2014. It has predicted that number will decline by another 12 per cent by 2024.

根据美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)的数据,美国旅行社的数量从1990年的13.2万家减少到2014年的7.4万家。该局预测到2024年,这个数字还将减少12%


Thomas Cook, one of the UK’s largest tour operators, needed a £200m loan in 2011 to tackle a cash crisis that had jeopardised its survival. Since then, it has closed hundreds of high street stores and plans to shut more if they are unprofitable. It has shifted towards selling travel deals online and creating trips through its own airline fleet and hotels. Last year, it returned to profit for the first time in five years.

2011年,英国最大的旅游集团之一Thomas Cook需要一笔2亿英镑的贷款来解决一场危及生存的现金危机。此后,Thomas Cook关闭了数百间实体门店,并且计划关闭更多无法盈利的门店。该公司转向在线销售旅行套餐,并依托其自有的航空公司机队和酒店来开辟旅游线路。上个年度,该公司5年来首次扭亏为盈。广州科技翻译公司。


Henry Hartveldt, founder of Atmosphere Research, says travel agencies will not wither away completely, but do need to change. “The ones that survive will be true experts,” he says. “They could be used to book a significant trip — a honeymoon, a significant family getaway, or a complex journey like planning a safari.

Atmosphere Research创始人亨利•哈特费尔特(Henry Hartveldt)表示,旅行社不会完全消亡,但的确需要改变。“那些能够存活下来的旅行社将是真正的专家,”他说:“人们可以通过它们来预订一次特别的行程,如蜜月旅行或特别的家庭度假,或者筹划游猎之旅这样的复杂行程。”


They will have found a niche and use digital tools to make sure people know who they are, as well as help their clients book . . . The question for the travel agency is do they need a retail storefront? To be honest, most don’t.”



Some customers still want face-to-face contact with travel agents. Research conducted by the Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA) suggested that the vast majority of travellers book online. But the number of people booking within stores rose slightly in the 12 months to October 2016 to 19 per cent, up from 17 per cent a year earlier.

一些客户依然希望与旅行社面对面接触。英国旅行社协会(ABTA)进行的研究表明,绝大多数旅行者在线预订行程。但截至201610月的12个月中,在门店预订行程的人的比例达到了19% 比一年前的17%有所提高。广州科技翻译公司。


ABTA’s research suggests the “most affluent households” — the top 4 per cent of the population that represent the UK’s highest earners — were most likely to book in store with 35 per cent having done so.



Mr Joussen said Tui would continue to sell package holidays but would become less focused on the “pure trading bit,” where travel agents search for the cheapest prices on behalf of customers. Bargain hunters will turn to the web, rather than high street, to source the best deals.



Disrupter: 3D printers



Industry threatened Small component manufacturers and distributors



Reason why Growing use of on-site 3D printing to make parts



Any concertgoer knows it is easier to print tickets than pick them up or hope they arrive in the post, writes Patrick McGee. Businesses will soon realise the same applies to spare parts, equipment and electronics.

英国《金融时报》帕特里克•麦吉(Patrick McGee)报道,常去音乐会的人都知道,比起取票或者希望票能够按时寄到,现场打印门票更容易。企业将很快意识到,同样的道理也适用于零部件、设备和电子产品。


The explosion of 3D printers is expected to shake up entire supply chains, allowing companies to print much of what they need rather than order it, often from overseas.



Bosch Rexroth, the drive and control unit of the private German electronics group, projects that in five to 10 years up to 40 per cent of the manufacturing equipment it uses could be printed instead of purchased.

私有的德国电子集团博世(Bosch)旗下的传动和控制公司博世力士乐(Bosch Rexroth)预测,在510年后,该公司可能打印,而非购买多达40%的制造设备。


If we look at spare parts for older cars or engines, prototypes for new products or small batches in manufacturing, 3D printing will make a major difference,” says Dr. Stefan Hoevel, manufacturing process development manager at Bosch Rexroth.

“如果我们要为旧车或者旧发动机寻找零部件,为新产品制作原型,或者进行小批量的制造,3D打印将发挥重大作用,”博世力士乐制造工艺开发经理斯特凡•赫费尔博士(Stefan Hoevel)说。


Bosch is already printing objects to create prototypes that were either not constructible before or took a long time to process. Dr Hoevel says equipment manufacturing could become up to 60 per cent cheaper than conventional methods used today.



The technique is sometimes known as “additive manufacturing” because of the way plastics, metals and other materials are built layer by layer.



At the Munich show Electronica in November, Israeli start-up Nano Dimension showed how 3D printing would go well beyond making simple parts. The company’s desktop-sized Dragonfly printer can create multilayer printed circuit boards — the film-like boards found in smartphones and computers that allow signals and power to be transmitted.

11月的慕尼黑电子展(Electronica)上,以色列初创公司Nano Dimension展示了3D打印的潜力绝不仅止于制造简单部件。该公司桌面大小的3D打印机“Dragonfly”可以制造多层印刷电路板——即智能手机和计算机中用于传输信号和电力的膜状电路板。广州科技翻译公司。


Amit Dror, chief executive, says the 3D printing of circuit boards would boost the research and development process for prototypes, allowing electronics companies to bring new products to market faster.

该公司首席执行官阿米特•德罗尔(Amit Dror)表示,3D印刷电路板将加快样机的研发过程,使电子产品企业能够更快将新产品推向市场。


In a demonstration of the latest methods this year, HP printed a lightweight quarter-pound chain link in less than 30 minutes — then attached it to a hoist and lifted up a car.



The Jet Fusion 3D Printer used is jokingly called “the printer that prints itself” by Stephen Nigro at HP, as nearly half of the parts comprising it can be printed.

展示中用到的Jet Fusion 3D打印机被惠普的斯蒂芬•尼格罗(Stephen Nigro)戏称为“打印自己的打印机”,因为该打印机近一半的部件都可以打印出来。


We are not doing this because we can; the printer is printing itself because it makes economic sense to do so,” he says. “We think 3D printing will play a key role in changing the way the world designs and manufactures.”

“我们做这些不只是因为我们有能力这么做;打印机打印自己,是因为这样做有经济意义,”他说:“我们认为3D打印将在改变世界设计和制造方式中起到关键作用。” 广州科技翻译公司。


Disrupter: Driverless cars



Industry threatened Motor insurers



Reason why Fewer vehicle collisions with increased use of driverless cars



Imagine a future in which fleets of driverless cars move quietly and carefully around our cities and countryside, seamlessly picking up and dropping off passengers. There are fewer cars on the roads, and those that are there tend to have fewer collisions.



For some, this is utopia. For the world’s insurers it may be just the opposite. Motor insurance is one of the mainstays of the industry. It generates about $260bn in annual premiums for major global insurers and $17bn in profits, according to research from Morgan Stanley and Boston Consulting Group. They estimate that the motor insurance industry has a market value of about $200bn.

对一些人来说,这样的场景犹如乌托邦一样美好。但对全世界的保险公司而言可能恰恰相反。汽车保险是保险业的支柱之一。根据摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)和波士顿咨询集团(BCG)的研究,汽车保险每年为全球各大保险公司带来约2600亿美元的保费收入,170亿美元的利润。它们估计,汽车保险业的市场价值达到约2000亿美元。


New technology, the analysts say, puts a big chunk of that under threat in a variety of ways. First, fewer cars and fewer accidents mean less demand for insurance. In mature economies the market size could shrink by more than 80 per cent by 2040. Second, the insurance that is needed will be bought by companies such as car manufacturers, rather than by consumers. And as carmakers and tech companies get better at collecting and using data, they may be in a stronger position to sell insurance than the insurance industry itself.



Insurers say that in the short term increasing automation is driving up the cost of car cover, because gadget-filled cars are more expensive to repair than more basic models if they are damaged in a crash.



Murray Raisbeck, an insurance partner at KPMG, says new technology will also create opportunities. “There will be different risks that need insuring, such as the risk of an algorithm failing, or cyber risks relating to driverless cars,” he says. “There will be less bent metal and lower personal injury risk.”

毕马威(KPMG)的保险合伙人默里•雷兹贝克(Murray Raisbeck)表示,新技术也将创造新机会。“会出现需要投保的不同风险,比如算法出错的风险,或者与无人驾驶汽车相关的网络风险,”他说:“汽车车体受损和人员受伤的风险将会变小。”


Some insurers are starting to react to the changing landscape. In the UK, Axa has joined a number of government-backed groups that are looking at how best to introduce driverless technology. In Japan, Mitsui Sumitomo and Tokio Marine, two of the biggest insurance groups, are examining new types of insurance products that might be needed.

一些保险公司开始对风云变幻的市场格局做出反应。在英国,安盛(Axa)加入一些得到政府支持的组织的行列,探索如何最好地引入无人驾驶技术。在日本,最大的两家保险公司三井住友(Mitsui Sumitomo)和东京海上(Tokio Marine)正在考察市场可能需求的新型保险产品。


But Mr Raisbeck says the industry as a whole needs to take more decisive action to deal with the threats. “In the UK there are a lot of talking shops, a lot of conversations and a lot of eulogising but there is not much capital invested in technology or in the partnerships that they’ll need for the future.”



Insurers are good at reacting to change,” he adds. “But automotive and technology companies are completely different competitors coming to try to eat their lunch.”





Disrupter: ‘Robo-adviser’ websites





Industry threatened Financial advisers



Reason why Growth of automated financial advice websites and tougher regulation



Traditional financial advisers have encountered a blizzard of regulation in recent years and now face being usurped by algorithms.



The profession began to run into trouble in 2006 when the UK financial watchdog announced a probe into how funds were being sold to retail investors.



New rules introduced in 2013 fundamentally altered advisers’ business model, banning fund houses from paying them commission and increasing the minimum level of qualifications advisers should have.



Liberatum, an association for financial advisers, estimates that 13,500 advisers left the industry following the introduction of the new rules, while the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority puts the figure at 2,000.



The commission ban, which removed advisers’ main source of income, forced those remaining in the business to either raise fees charged to retail investors or increase the minimum investment sum they would offer advice on.



Suddenly unable to afford their adviser, swaths of investors began to turn to one of the new breed of “robo-advisers”, which emerged in 2012.



Robo-advisers” — websites that recommend a portfolio of funds based on an investor’s answers to an online questionnaire — have tried to disrupt traditional face-to-face advice by offering a low-cost alternative to customers who are increasingly comfortable with digital investing.



Citigroup estimates that assets managed by robo-advisers could reach $5tn globally during the next decade.



Banks, asset managers and wealth managers have also spotted the potential of “robo-advice” as a way of helping retail customers, piling into a space once dominated by nimble financial technology companies.



UK banks Barclays, Royal Bank of Scotland, Lloyds Banking Group, and Santander UK have said they are developing online investment websites, as has Swiss bank UBS and wealth managers Investec Wealth, Brewin Dolphin and Killik & Co.

英国的巴克莱银行(Barclays)、苏格兰皇家银行(RBS)、劳埃德银行集团(Lloyds Banking Group)、桑坦德英国(Santander UK)表示正在开发在线投资网站,瑞银(UBS)和财富管理公司天达财富与投资(Investec Wealth and Investment)Brewin Dolphin以及Killik & Co也有这方面的计划。广州科技翻译公司。


Other big companies have bought into start-ups. Schroders, the FTSE 100 asset manager, took a £12m stake in robo-adviser Nutmeg, while Allianz Global Investors acquired a holding in robo-adviser MoneyFarm, which first launched in Italy.

其他大公司则入股相关初创企业。富时100(FTSE 100)资产管理公司施罗德(Schroders)斥资1200万英镑入股机器人顾问Nutmeg,而安联投资(Allianz Global Investors)收购了MoneyFarm的股份,这家机器人顾问公司于意大利起步。


In the US, automated wealth management services run ETF portfolios and also reinvest dividends and optimise tax efficiency. Betterment, which charges 0.15-0.35 per cent, now manages $6.7bn in assets for 210,000 customers.



In the FCA’s review of the financial advice market this year, it and the UK Treasury said they would look into making it easier for investment advice to be offered online at low-cost, after finding that two-thirds of retail investors were buying financial products without advice.



The increasing popularity of passive funds also looks set to boost the growth of robos over the next few years — robos generally encourage investors to put their cash into passive portfolios rather than into funds run by more expensive stock pickers.



According to Morningstar, the data provider, assets under management in passive funds have grown by 230 per cent globally since 2007, hitting $6tn. Over the same period, actively managed funds have doubled to $24tn.





Disrupter: Electric vehicles



Industry threatened Car repair garages



Reason why More drivers switching to low-maintenance electric cars



Electric cars are often marketed to consumers on the basis that they are cleaner and cheaper to run than petrol or diesel rivals, writes Peter Campbell.

彼得•坎贝尔(Peter Campbell)写道,电动汽车向消费者推销的主要卖点,往往是它们运行起来比汽油车或柴油车更环保、成本更低。


But because they contain virtually no moving parts — other than the wheels — battery cars boast another advantage: there is almost nothing to go wrong under the bonnet.



While that may be good news for motorists, it spells trouble for the thousands of garages that make a living servicing and fixing petrol or diesel cars.



The aftersales sector is not only a huge source of jobs within the industry, it is also one of the most profitable parts of the motor sector.



The business of selling cars is very low margin,” says Philippe Houchois, an automotive analyst at Jefferies. “But as long as we have cars with an internal combustion engine the repairs will continue to be the main source of earnings for dealers.”

杰富瑞(Jefferies)汽车分析师菲利普•霍乔斯(Philippe Houchois)表示:“汽车销售业务利润率很低。但只要我们的汽车里装的还是内燃机,维修就依旧是经销商的主要盈利来源。” 广州科技翻译公司。


While an internal combustion engine in a car sold today may have several thousands of moving parts within it, an electric Tesla contains just 18 moving pieces, according to Credit Suisse.

据瑞信(Credit Suisse)表示,目前市面上的汽车内燃发动机可能由数千个运动部件组成,而特斯拉(Tesla)电动汽车仅包含18个运动部件。


Electric motors need virtually nothing doing to them,” says Steve Nash, chief executive of the Institute of Motor Industry, a professional body in the UK.

英国专业机构汽车工业协会(Institute of Motor Industry)的首席执行官史蒂夫•纳什(Steve Nash)表示:“电动车几乎不需要任何维护”。


The IMI estimates there are 40,000 aftersales businesses in the UK alone, ranging from large groups such as Kwik Fit to a vast number of smaller independent garages. An exact number is hard to calculate because many never affiliate to a trade body.

该协会估计,仅英国就有4万家售后服务企业,既有Kwik Fit这样的大型集团,也有众多规模较小的独立维修厂。确切数字很难统计,因为许多维修厂从不加入任何行业组织。


The vast majority of electrified cars sold in coming years will contain a form of mild-hybrid technology that uses both an engine and a battery, analysts expect. But battery-only cars, a growing part of the market, will require a fundamentally different set of skills to maintain, such as electrical expertise.



Volkswagen recently said it would retrain 7,000 engineers in electric technology, as the German carmaker strives to make a quarter of its cars electric by 2025.



Because they look like cars, politicians assume that someone who works on cars will be able to adapt themselves to it,” says Mr Nash, stressing the need for specialist training as well as the high risks of tampering with an electric car.



The stakes of tampering with an electric car without sufficient training are high, he adds. “An electric car battery can produce 3-400 volts of electric current. That is worse than being plugged into the electric chair.”



Car rental groups face threat from technology



Shifting patterns of car ownership should be good news for rental groups, as people eschew full ownership for part-time leasing.



But the rise in cities of transport services, such as Uber and rival offerings proposed by carmakers, is forcing rental companies to look at their business models.



The ascent of fleet-footed technology-driven competitors means traditional hire groups risk being outpaced.



Europcar, the largest operator in Europe, has started a number of projects looking at transport options, from car sharing to other services.



The company recently bought out its Irish franchise in a move that gave it ownership of Ireland’s largest car sharing service, GoCar, which has 150 vehicles in operation.



But there is growing competition in the space, with carmakers from BMW to Renault offering shared-ownership schemes.



The ease of booking car rides through an app — as well as the comparatively low cost — will also force rental groups to invest more in technology to remain competitive.



I think what the car rental companies need to do is make it really easy to rent a car,” says Philippe Houchois, an automotive analyst at Jefferies, citing app-based competitors such as ZipCar.



Right now it takes 20 minutes doing paperwork, and it feels very 20th century.”




