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作者: 来源: 日期:2016-11-17 9:08:12

Abe to hold talks with president-elect on Asia stance





After an election campaign when he questioned basic assumptions about American strategy in Asia, Donald Trump will today give the first clues to his actual approach to the region when he meets Shinzo Abe, Japanese prime minister, in New York.

在竞选期间质疑关于美国在亚洲战略的基本假设的唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)今日将在纽约会晤日本首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe),从中将可看出他对亚洲实际态度的第一丝线索。广州日语翻译公司。


Mr Abe will become the first foreign leader to meet the president-elect since his surprise election victory last week, giving the Japanese leader the chance to lobby Mr Trump at a time when many of his key policies have yet to take shape.



Although Mr Trump is expected to maintain his promise to abandon the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal — a move likely to upset the Japanese — he could surprise US allies in the region with other aspects of his strategy.



During the campaign Mr Trump raised the prospect of a US retreat from Asia and suggested he would pull troops out of Japan and South Korea if they did not pay more, which would leave more space for China to expand in the region. However, the initial indications from the Trump camp since the election have suggested an approach much more sceptical about Beijing, including a build-up of the US Navy to meet the challenge in the western Pacific.



He will invest heavily in a [Ronald] Reagan-style defence build-up. I definitely expect a bigger navy,” said Patrick Cronin, head of the Asia programme at the Center for a New American Security think-tank. “The Abe meeting provides the first opportunity for Trump to reaffirm the importance of the allies while also saying ‘but we want you to do more’.”

“他将大举投资进行里根式的国防建设。我估计肯定会扩充海军,”智库新美国安全中心(Center for a New American Security)的亚洲项目主管帕特里克•克罗宁(Patrick Cronin)表示。“同安倍会晤提供了第一个机会,让特朗普重申盟国的重要性,同时也说‘但我们希望你们做更多’。”


Japanese officials say the meeting will alow the two men to get to know each other. Mr Abe is likely to play it by ear on whether to raise a long list of issues, from the cost of US forces in Japan, to relations with Russia and the TPP deal.



To be the first to have a face-to-face meeting, ahead of other nations, is pretty significant for our country,” said Yoshihide Suga, chief cabinet secretary. “It’s their first meeting, so the main point is to build a personal relationship of trust.”

“在其它国家之前率先获得当面会晤的机会,这对我们国家相当重要,”日本内阁官房长官菅义伟(Yoshihide Suga)表示。“这是他们的首次会晤,所以主要是打造一种个人层面的信任关系。” 广州日语翻译公司。


On their first, 20-minute telephone call after Mr Trump’s victory, the two men talked about a shared love of golf, said one person briefed on the conversation. Mr Trump invited Mr Abe to join him for dinner but the Japanese prime minister could not fit it in his schedule. Mr Abe is making an unscheduled stop in New York en route to Peru, where he will attend the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit.




People who know Mr Abe say he has found it easiest to bond with leaders who share his conservative, nationalistic outlook, forming strong relationships with Narendra Modi, Indian prime minister, and former Australian prime minister Tony Abbott. Mr Trump fits that mould much better than outgoing President Barack Obama.

了解安倍的不止一名人士表示,他向来觉得自己最容易同和他一样持有保守的民族主义观点的领导人结交,他与印度总理纳伦德拉•莫迪(Narendra Modi)和澳大利亚前总理托尼•阿博特(Tony Abbott)都建立了牢固的关系。特朗普远比即将卸任的美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)更符合这个标准。广州日语翻译公司。


This shows some boldness from Abe, that he wants to be part of the process as it is taking shape. He wants to be involved early,” said Michael Auslin, a Japan expert at the American Enterprise Institute, a think-tank. “He understands that Trump has longstanding reservations about Japan, so he wants to see if he can find some common ground.”

“这显示了安倍晋三的一些勇气,他希望在政策形成的过程中成为这个过程的一部分。他希望早日参与,”智库美国企业研究所(American Enterprise Institute)日本专家迈克尔•奥斯林(Michael Auslin)表示。“他明白特朗普长期对日本抱有保留意见,所以他想看看自己能否找到一些共同点。”


Mr Trump’s scepticism about Japan dates back to the fierce trade disputes of the late 1980s and his belief that many of Washington’s closest allies should pay much more for their own defence.



However, many of the names being mentioned as likely key figures in his administration on Asia have hawkish views on China or are supporters of a much bigger navy, such as Republican congressman Randy Forbes who is seen as a potential secretary of the navy. Such an approach would increase the importance of the US alliance with Japan.

然而,有望在他的行政当局中担任亚洲事务要职的很多人对中国持有鹰派观点,或者倡导大举扩建海军,比如可能被任命为海军部长的共和党国会议员兰迪•福布斯(Randy Forbes)。这种姿态将加大美日同盟的重要性。


