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作者: 来源: 日期:2016-10-14 8:47:39

King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand dies aged 88





Thailand’s King Bhumibol Adulyadej, the world’s longest-reigning monarch, died on Thursday aged 88 after seven decades on the throne in which his country was transformed from a genteel Southeast Asian way station into an international hub of trade and tourism.

泰国国王普密蓬•阿杜德(Bhumibol Adulyadej)周四去世,享年88岁。作为世界上在位时间最长的君主,在他在位的70年期间,他的国家从一个幽静的东南亚中转站转型为一个国际贸易和旅游枢纽。广州泰语翻译公司。


The death of the only sovereign most Thais have known triggered an outpouring of grief and will prompt fresh questions about the country’s political transition under military rulers who have tentatively promised elections next year.



In a televised statement, Gen Prayuth Chan-ocha, the coup leader turned prime minister, indicated that Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn, long the heir apparent, would succeed to the throne as envisaged. Gen Prayuth asked government officials to wear black clothes for a one-year mourning period and for flags to be lowered for 30 days.

政变领导人、总理巴育•占奥差(Prayuth Chan-ocha)在电视讲话中表示,王位将由王储玛哈•哇集拉隆功(Maha Vajiralongkorn)继任,这与设想相符。巴育宣布泰国政府官员将着黑衣,为老国王服丧一年,全国各地的国旗降半旗30天。广州泰语翻译公司。


Gen Prayuth told reporters later that the succession would not be immediate as the Crown Prince wanted time to mourn with the public.



All reporting on the Thai monarchy, and particularly the personalities involved, is constrained by strict lèse-majesté laws that threaten 15 years in jail per offence.

有关泰国王室的报道,特别是涉及相关人物的报道,都受到严厉的亵渎王室法律(lèse-majesté laws)的约束,违反者可能因每宗罪行获刑15年。


The king died in hospital in Bangkok after a long illness, according to a statement from the Royal Household Bureau.



He had a revered, semi-divine status in Thailand, a position additionally secured by the lèse-majesté rules that authorities have used harshly against opponents of the May 2014 coup. His health had declined sharply in later years, and he had a near four-year stay in hospital between 2009 and 2013 as the country lurched between political crises.



Bangkok’s streets remained calm and people went about their business on Thursday, but events were cancelled across the city and some venues shut early. Display screens that usually broadcast loud advertising on the BTS Skytrain urban rail service were switched off, bathing the carriages in unfamiliar silence. Many passengers were glued to their smartphones, scrolling through social media timelines filled with tributes to the king and messages about him.

周四,曼谷的大街小巷保持平静,人们继续忙于自己的日常生活,但市内各处的大型活动被取消,一些场所提前关门。通常在城市轨道交通服务BTS Skytrain上大声播放广告的显示屏被关闭,使车厢沐浴在大家不熟悉的静默中。许多乘客紧盯自己的智能手机,滚动浏览社交媒体,上面贴满了悼念国王的帖子。


King Bhumibol came to power after his predecessor and elder brother, Ananda Mahidol, was shot dead in still unexplained circumstances at the Grand Palace in Bangkok in June 1946. The US-born and Swiss-educated King Bhumibol, known as Rama IX, was just 18 when he took the throne.

普密蓬国王继位之前,他的前任和哥哥阿南达•马希多尔(Ananda Mahidol)19466月在曼谷的大皇宫被枪杀,那起事件的真相至今仍不得而知。在美国出生、在瑞士受教育的普密蓬国王在年仅18岁时继位,被称为拉玛九世。


He accumulated great prestige as his reign grew longer, establishing himself as a moral “father of the nation” figure and benefiting from the revival or enhancement of mystical traditional practices such as prostration and royal ploughing ceremonies.



His rule, boosted by Thailand’s long alliance with the US, outlasted the 1970s turmoil of war and revolution that overthrew or emasculated monarchies elsewhere in Southeast Asia. The stability allowed Thailand to make itself a leading holiday destination, attract foreign investment and launch a long export-led manufacturing boom that lifted it into the ranks of middle-income countries.



