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作者: 来源: 日期:2016-09-21 8:37:58

广州翻译公司:Blair to shut advisory firm but keep on several private clients





Tony Blair will close his advisory firm after making millions of pounds from an array of controversial clients ranging from oil companies to the authoritarian government of Kazakhstan.

托尼•布莱尔(Tony Blair)将关闭自己的咨询公司,此前他已从一系列有争议的客户那里赚取数百万英镑,这些客户从石油公司到哈萨克斯坦的威权政府。广州翻译公司。


But the jet-setting former UK prime minister intends to retain an unspecified number of private clients in a personal capacity, including JPMorgan, the US investment bank.



He will also continue to make speeches for corporate clients, for which he has charged up to £237,000 a time.



Since leaving office in 2007 Mr Blair swiftly built up a convoluted empire mixing lucrative advisory work with a handful of charities.



Tony Blair Associates has worked for a range of clients including Kuwait, Vietnam, Peru, Colombia and Mubadala, an Abu Dhabi investment fund — although the former Labour leader has never been forthcoming about his client roster.

托尼•布莱尔公司(Tony Blair Associates)为各种客户工作过,包括科威特、越南、秘鲁、哥伦比亚,以及阿布扎比投资基金Mubadala,尽管这位工党前领导人从不全面披露自己的客户名册。


TBA made profits of £2.6m on turnover of £19.4m (up from £14.2m) last year after a period of rapid growth, according to the accounts of one of his subsidiary companies.



In a statement released yesterday, Mr Blair announced the closure of both Tony Blair Associates and its underlying structures under the names “Firerush” and “Windrush”.



The “substantial financial reserves” of TBA — roughly £8.9m according to the accounts — would now be given to his not-for-profit activities, he said.



Richard Murphy, a tax campaigner, said the origins of that money were unclear. “I hope the organisations that are receiving it will do a little due diligence to make sure they’re happy with the source of those funds,” he told the Financial Times.

税务活动人士理查德•墨菲(Richard Murphy)表示,这些资金的来源不明。他告诉英国《金融时报》:“我希望收到这些资金的组织将展开一些尽职调查,确保他们对资金来源满意。”


Mr Blair’s statement said his organisations employed 200 people working in more than 20 countries.



It is time to take this to a new level,” he said. “I want to expand our activities and bring everything under one roof. I also want now to concentrate the vast bulk of my time on the not-for-profit work which we do.”



Mr Blair admitted that he would retain a “small number of personal consultancies” for his income but insisted that not-for-profit work would take up 80 per cent of his time.



