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作者: 来源: 日期:2016-09-13 8:32:21

Clinton camp admits it should have revealed more over candidate’s health





Hillary Clinton’s campaign has admitted that it should have been more forthright about her health after a pneumonia diagnosis forced the Democratic presidential candidate to cancel a string of events planned for this week.

希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)竞选团队承认,他们本应该对她的健康问题更加坦诚。此前肺炎诊断迫使民主党总统候选人取消本周的一系列活动。广州医药翻译公司。


The discovery that Mrs Clinton had been diagnosed with pneumonia two days before her sudden departure from a September 11 memorial ceremony prompted fresh questions about her candour.



The incident comes as polls show a tightening race between the Democratic candidate and Donald Trump, whom she leads by only three points in head-to-head polls, according to an average compiled by RealClearPolitics.

这一事件正值民调显示民主党总统候选人与唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)之间的差距日益缩小。RealClearPolitics汇编的平均支持率显示,希拉里仅领先3个百分点。广州医药翻译公司。


The Republican candidate declined to challenge Mrs Clinton’s fitness for office yesterday, having previously questioned her energy and stamina. But he promised to release details soon from a recent medical check-up, putting pressure on his opponent to follow suit.



Brian Fallon, Mrs Clinton’s campaign spokesman, reacted by saying the Democratic candidate would be releasing more detailed medical information.

希拉里竞选发言人布赖恩•法伦(Brian Fallon)回应称,希拉里将公布更多医疗信息详情。


We have been in touch with her physician this morning to get the materials together. We’ll release that to further put to rest any lingering concerns,” he told MSNBC.



Mrs Clinton and her campaign staff were criticised by pundits who said she should have informed the public about her pneumonia diagnosis on Friday, the day she received it, and been more straightforward with reporters about why she had abruptly left Sundays memorial service.



David Axelrod, Barack Obama’s chief campaign strategist for 2008 and 2012, said the candidate’s admission of pneumonia was less of a problem than the campaign’s secrecy. “Antibiotics can take care of pneumonia. What’s the cure for an unhealthy penchant for privacy?” he asked on Twitter.

奥巴马2008年和2012年竞选的首席策略师戴维•艾克斯罗德(David Axelrod)称,总统候选人承认患上肺炎不是问题,但竞选阵营的神神秘秘是一个问题。“抗生素可以治肺炎。对隐私的不良嗜好又该怎么治?”他在Twitter上问道。广州医药翻译公司。


In response, Jennifer Palmieri, Mrs Clinton’s communications director, admitted that the campaign had bungled the disclosure of Mrs Clinton’s illness. “We could have done better yesterday, but it is a fact that [the] public knows more about HRC than any nominee in history,” she said.

作为回应,希拉里的沟通主管珍妮弗•帕尔米耶里(Jennifer Palmieri)承认,竞选团队贻误了有关希拉里病情的公布。“我们昨天本可以做得更好,但事实是公众对希拉里的了解超过他们对史上任何一位总统提名人的了解,”她表示。


Mr Trump and Mrs Clinton, 70 and 68 respectively, have been criticised for not releasing the detailed medical histories that are customary for candidates.




