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广州科技翻译公司:支付宝与Ingenico达成合作 欧洲购物将实现APP付款

作者: 来源: 日期:2016-08-19 8:22:30

Alipay and Ingenico in Europe mobile payments alliance

支付宝与Ingenico达成合作 欧洲购物将实现APP付款




French payments processing group Ingenico has struck an alliance with China’s Alipay that will enable Chinese tourists visiting Europe to pay for goods and services using the platform’s popular e-wallet.



The Paris-based payments software and terminals producer said the partnership would allow thousands of European merchants — from supermarkets and big retailers to restaurants and bars — to accept payments in-store via the Alipay app.



Alipay, the mobile payment service run by Alibaba Group’s financial affiliate Ant Financial Services Group, has expanded rapidly in mainland China, and the company now says it has 450m active users — representing an estimated 80 per cent of the country’s mobile payments market.



But while many of the estimated 12.5m Chinese tourists who visited Europe last year use the Alipay app back home, they have so far had to use cash or alternative payments methods when visiting Paris, Rome or other European destinations.



Payment becomes a friction for business so we are removing this friction by allowing the retailers to capture sales to the Chinese tourist population,” Jacques Behr, Ingenico’s executive vice-president for Europe and Africa, told the Financial Times.

“支付成了业务的阻力,所以我们将允许零售商实现对中国游客的销售,从而消除这种阻力,”Ingenico负责欧洲和非洲业务的执行副总裁雅克•贝尔(Jacques Behr)对英国《金融时报》表示。


Ingenico, which provides in-store and online payments facilities throughout the world, already allows merchants to accept transactions with other e-wallet apps such as Apple Pay and Android Pay.

在全世界范围内提供店内和在线支付设备的Ingenico,已经允许商户接受使用Apple Pay Android Pay 等其他电子钱包app 完成交易。


But it said the alliance with Alipay would “provide acquirers and respective retailers in Europe with a complete online and in-store payment solution, tailored to the Chinese outbound travellers coming to Europe”.

但是,Ingenico表示,与支付宝达成的合作将“向欧洲的采购商和不同的零售商提供一种完整的线上和店内支付解决方案,此方案是针对中国前往欧洲的游客定制的。” 广州科技翻译公司。


Douglas Feagin, senior vice-president at Ant Financial, said: “One of our key missions is providing the ability for our customers to purchase goods and services around the world as they travel, and Europe is a major destination for Chinese tourists”.

蚂蚁金服(Ant Financial)的高级副总裁道格拉斯•费根(Douglas Feagin)表示:“我们的关键使命之一,是在我们的客户出行时,为他们提供在全球各地购买商品与服务的能力,而欧洲是中国游客的一个主要目的地。”


Alipay must negotiate with banks and other acquiring agents before the app can be used in-store but both companies estimated that Alipay would be fully operational in Europe within a few months.




