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作者: 来源: 日期:2016-07-07 8:36:15

Solar power may yet go together with electric dreams





It is a nice dream. You catch the sun’s rays in photovoltaic panels on the roof. The resulting electricity is fed down to a large battery hanging on the wall in the garage. You plug your electric car in overnight and charge it for the next day’s commute.



This is the post-carbon future, as imagined by electric car and space entrepreneur Elon Musk. Last week he tried to hasten it into existence, with a proposal by his battery and electric carmaker Tesla Motors to buy solar power company SolarCity, a company of which he is also chairman.

这正是电动汽车及太空创业家埃隆•马斯克(Elon Musk)所构想的后碳碳氢能源时代的未来。不久前,为加速实现这一目标,他提议由自己旗下的电池及电动汽车制造商特斯拉汽车(Tesla Motors)收购太阳能发电公司SolarCity,后者也由马斯克任董事长。


There is a question of whether it makes sense to combine all these things in one company. Wall Street certainly is not convinced. But the timing of this proposed deal still highlights how close these sustainable energy technologies are to reaching the mass market. Mr Musk is probably getting ahead of himself but his vision is not far-fetched — provided government does not withdraw support for sustainable energy technologies too soon.



The technologies behind Mr Musk’s dream have made steady progress for years. Batteries and solar panels do not benefit from Moore’s Law, which has brought a doubling of efficiency in semiconductors every 18 months or so. Instead, there has been a more gradual decline in the cost curve of both technologies, one that brings improvements of about 5-7 per cent a year.

支撑马斯克梦想的技术多年来取得了稳步进展。电池和太阳能电池板没有出现摩尔定律(Moore's Law)所描述的那种进展,符合这一定律的集成电路每18个月左右性能即提升一倍。而电池和太阳能电池板的成本曲线下降更加平缓,带动性能每年提升约5%7%


Periodic hopes for technology breakthroughs have been disappointed. After the 2008 financial crisis, for instance, the Obama administration pumped billions of dollars of stimulus money into trying to create an advanced battery industry in the US.



The resulting companies were more like chemistry experiments. They might have come up with demonstrations in the lab but could not scale up in production. That has left slower-advancing lithium-ion as the default technology, particularly where lightweight batteries are needed in things like consumer electronics and transport.



Solar power has been through much the same cycle. The prospect of a step-change reduction in the cost per watt of electricity generated was one of the hopes that fed Silicon Valley’s “greentech” boom a decade ago.



Boom turned to bust, and the new thin-film solar technologies turned out to be no match for the prevailing technology of the day, crystalline silicon. Instead, Chinese manufacturers brought prices down through massive investment in large-scale production. This may not have been good for the balance of trade but has helped make solar power affordable to many homeowners.



To take the next step, Mr Musk thinks he can go one better in both batteries and solar power with what are largely incremental advances.


Silevo, a panel maker bought by SolarCity, produces hybrid products that layer some thin-film elements into crystalline silicon panels. The company will end up manufacturing panels producing “tens of gigawatt hours a year” of power, according to Mr Musk — quite an ambition considering the US is still not expected to reach even 10 Gwh this year.



In batteries, Tesla is getting close to completing a large factory in Nevada that will double the world’s production of lithium-ion cells using technology from Panasonic.



The plan is the same in both cases: find even a small edge in the mass technology of the day, scale up fast and ride the cost curve down towards world domination.



But whether this formula will be enough to usher in a sustainable energy economy is in the hands of governments. Subsidies are still needed, whether of the direct or indirect sort. Mr Musk has shown himself an astute user of government support: Silevo has been promised $225m of state backing to build a plant in New York, while Tesla itself was a beneficiary of a Department of Energy loan guarantee.

但是,这个方式能否开创可持续性的能源经济取决于政府。这一行业仍然需要直接或间接的补贴。事实证明,马斯克很会利用政府支持:赛昂电力已获承诺,将得到政府2.25亿美元支持在纽约州建设一家工厂,而特斯拉自身也是美国能源部(Department of Energy)一项贷款保证的受益者。广州能源翻译公司。


Buyers of solar panels and electric cars have been reliant on government largesse, though it is questionable how long that will last. Tesla buyers in the US, for instance, will soon lose the tax credit for electric cars. And solar power faces an uncertain future, with a federal tax credit due to be phased out by 2021 and some US states starting to shift part of the fixed costs of their traditional electric utilities on to solar customers.



There are other hindrances. Silevo’s advanced panels, made in China, are blocked by US anti-dumping laws. The company is appealing against that exclusion, though domestic manufacturing could eventually get around the problem.



The sunshine-to-electric car dream is not far-fetched. But it still needs some timely assistance to become a reality.



