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作者: 来源: 日期:2017-01-04 9:37:10

Ford scraps plans for Mexican plant following Trump threats





Ford has cancelled plans for a $1.6bn Mexican plant and vowed to make future electric and self-driving cars in Michigan, following threats from Donald Trump to impose punitive tariffs over its plans to shift manufacturing south of the US border.

在唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)就福特(Ford)计划把制造业务搬往美国边境以南而威胁要征收惩罚性关税后,福特取消了斥资16亿美元在墨西哥建厂的计划,并许诺未来要在密歇根州制造电动车和自动驾驶汽车。广州汽车翻译公司。


The company said on Tuesday that “tax and regulatory reforms” proposed by the president-elect led to its decision to invest $700m in its factory in Flat Rock, Michigan, where it will create 700 new jobs and build a suite of new electric and hybrid vehicles, and to abandon its project in San Luis Potosi, Mexico.

该公司周二表示,当选总统提出的“税收和监管改革”使其决定向位于密歇根州平岩(Flat Rock)的工厂投资7亿美元——这将创建700个新工作岗位、制造一系列全新的电动车和混合动力车——同时放弃在墨西哥圣路易斯波托西的项目。


The decision came after stinging criticism from Mr Trump on the campaign trail over Ford’s plans to move production of smaller cars to Mexico, and just hours after the president-elect threatened General Motors with a “big border tax” over its Mexican production. It also came the same day the property tycoon picked a longstanding protectionist to serve as US trade representative.

此前,特朗普在竞选活动中曾尖锐地批评福特把小型汽车生产线搬往墨西哥的计划。就在福特作出该决定的数小时前,当选总统就通用汽车(General Motors)墨西哥生产项目威胁要征收“大笔的边境税”。同一天,身为房地产大亨的特朗普还选择了一位长期保护主义者担任美国贸易代表。广州汽车翻译公司。


Instead of driving jobs and wealth away, AMERICA will become the world’s great magnet for INNOVATION & JOB CREATION,” Mr Trump tweeted after the Ford announcement, for which his team claimed credit.



Mr Trump campaigned on a promise to force US companies to bring manufacturing jobs and offshore factories home. Since winning in November, he has used his Twitter bully pulpit to directly criticise some of the US’s biggest companies, from Boeing and Ford to the air conditioning company Carrier, which also reversed a plan to move hundreds of production jobs to Mexico.



