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作者: 来源: 日期:2017-01-03 9:02:40

Zero evidence’ Moscow influenced US poll, says Trump press chief





Donald Trump does not wish to jump to conclusions on Russian hacking because there is no conclusive evidence that Moscow influenced the US presidential election, the incoming White House press secretary said on Monday, as the president-elect’s team continued to express scepticism about intelligence surrounding the affair.

即将就任的白宫新闻秘书周一表示,唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)不希望在俄罗斯黑客攻击问题上匆忙作出结论,因为目前尚没有确凿证据显示莫斯科方面影响了美国总统大选。美国当选总统的团队继续对围绕这件事的情报表示怀疑。广州俄语翻译公司。


Sean Spicer told Fox and Friends that “rushing to judgment” on the matter was not in anyone’s best interest, and criticised the “mainstream media” for suggesting that Russia had an influence on the election’s outcome. “There is zero evidence that they actually influenced the election,” he said.

肖恩•斯派塞(Sean Spicer)向《Fox and Friends》节目表示,在这件事上“匆忙作出评判”不符合任何一方的最佳利益,他批评“主流媒体”暗示俄罗斯影响了美国大选结果。“证明他们实际上影响了大选的证据为零,”他表示。


Last week President Barack Obama said the US was expelling 35 Russian intelligence operatives and imposing sanctions on Russia’s two main intelligence services — the FSB and GRU — in retaliation for cyber attacks that it said were orchestrated by the Kremlin. The suggestion that Russia interfered in America’s democratic process has not only alarmed Democrats, but also senior Republicans in Congress, who have vowed to investigate.

上周,美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)称,美国将驱逐35名俄罗斯情报人员并制裁俄罗斯两家主要情报机构——俄罗斯联邦安全局(FSB)和俄军方的总参谋部情报总局(GRU)——以报复美方所称的由克里姆林宫精心策划的网络攻击。有关俄罗斯干涉了美国民主过程的这种说法,不仅震惊民主党人士,还令国会中的资深共和党人士震惊,他们誓言要进行调查。广州俄语翻译公司。


This has laid the ground for a rocky start for the Trump administration as it seeks to take advantage of Republican control of both the Senate and House of Representatives to push forward its legislative agenda and win Senate confirmation battles.



Mr Trump has repeatedly played down the hacking affair as he calls for closer ties with Moscow and President Vladimir Putin. But he is likely to face fierce resistance from lawmakers who have promised even tougher measures against Russia this year. Republican senators John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio have vowed to push for harsher measures against Russia, saying that the new Obama sanctions do not go far enough.

特朗普呼吁与莫斯科方面和俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)建立更紧密关系,他再三淡化黑客攻击事件。但他可能面临来自某些立法者的激烈抵制,后者承诺今年会对俄罗斯采取甚至更强硬的措施。共和党参议员约翰•麦凯恩(John McCain)、林赛•格雷厄姆(Lindsey Graham)和马可•鲁比奥(Marco Rubio)誓言要推动争取对俄罗斯采取更严厉的制裁措施,称奥巴马公布的新制裁不到位。


Having last week declared that it was time to “move on” from the hacking issue, Mr Trump and his team have shifted their stance, suggesting they want to see more evidence before making any decisions on the matter. Mr Trump suggested on Saturday evening that he knew “things that other people don’t know” about the affair and that more would be disclosed on Tuesday or Wednesday.



