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作者: 来源: 日期:2016-08-26 9:17:47

Tinkering will not fix Japanese democracy





No one can be happier than Shinzo Abe that Sunday’s upper house election tipped the legislative balance in favour of lawmakers open to revising Japan’s constitution. But throwing off the constraints that followed military defeat and occupation, long an ambition of the prime minister, will be far less important than building a firm foundation for the nation’s future.

710号日本上院选举结果使立法天平向修宪派立法者倾斜,对此没有谁比安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)更高兴了。但是,相比为日本的未来奠定一个坚实基础,摆脱日本在遭遇战败和占领后被施加的约束远远没有那么重要。广州日语翻译公司。


A growing number of Japanese people seem taken with the notion that they should try crafting their own constitution. The 100 or so articles of the 1947 document, drafted under occupation by the Allied powers, offset the power of the prewar state by strengthening the individual rights that support popular sovereignty. They protect the choices — of religion, work, protest, due process — Japanese citizens today take for granted.



As tensions intensify across Asia — in the South China Sea, for example — the focus is largely on Article 9, the “no war” clause. Japan’s military decisions are increasingly shaped by its neighbours’ rising capabilities. North Korea’s pursuit of nuclear weapons prompted Tokyo to invest heavily in ballistic missile defence. China’s growing maritime reach has drawn attention to Japan’s readiness to defend its waters and its islands. Last year Mr Abe’s cabinet reinterpreted the constitution to allow the military to co-operate with others, primarily the US, if its own security is threatened.



Mr Abe’s push to revise the constitution is widely perceived as a way to free Japan’s Self-Defense Force from its postwar restrictions, but the debate is in fact about far more than this. Revising the constitution would equate to nothing less than weighing up the balance of forces that will sustain Japanese democracy throughout the 21st century.



In 1947, the aim was to strip the aristocracy of its economic and political influence. One of the most progressive elements of the document was the establishment of rights for women.



The state set up under the postwar constitution was a far cry from its predecessor. The version promulgated by the Emperor Meiji in 1889 [CHKD]created a state empowered to direct Japan’s modernisation — fusing economic, political and social power in the service of the national purpose, legitimised by an absolute monarchy. The later document decentralised power and divested the state of its military power.



Will a new constitution once again seek to mend the social compact? Or will leaders set their sights lower, tinkering, tweaking language or amending the 1947 blueprint of their democracy to meet today’s social needs? It is too early to tell. The committee to revise the constitution has catalogued the changes Japan’s political parties think could improve their founding document. The governing Liberal Democratic party has a draft to share, as Mr Abe pointed out after the election, a draft he says could serve as a basis for legislative discussion.



But it will take far more than the 242 legislators in the upper house — or even the roughly 700 in both houses — to determine what a new constitution might look like. Article 96 of the present document declares that two-thirds of all the members of each house of parliament must create a proposal for revision. After that, a national referendum must be held to gain approval.



And the fact is that, while voters have created an opening for those who advocate revision, they seem deeply ambivalent about the prospect of tampering with the document that has supported their transition to democracy.



Popular sovereignty brings agency to the people; it should not be abandoned easily. All the social institutions must claim a stake in the process and all citizens must take responsibility for the outcome. Revising simply for the sake of revising will only weaken confidence in Japan’s democracy, at home and abroad.



The writer is a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations

本文作者为美国外交事务委员会(Council on Foreign Relations)高级研究员


