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作者: 来源: 日期:2016-06-14 9:51:28

Beijing defends $470bn currency intervention



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China’s central bank has burnt through nearly half a trillion dollars in foreign reserves to support its currency since August, despite criticism that it has betrayed its commitment to let market forces drive the exchange rate.



Sources close to the central bank said the intervention, while costly, had been necessary to maintain economic confidence and prevent a disorderly depreciation that could have had ripple effects far beyond the currency.



The People’s Bank of China has spent about $473bn of its foreign exchange reserves since it surprised global markets last August by changing the way it set its daily guidance rate for the currency, according to Financial Times estimates based on official data.



Fears thatChinawould permit or actively encourage a sharp devaluation led to a wave of renminbi selling after the move.



The most important factor is confidence, both globally and within China,” said a central bank official. “The cost of intervention in terms of reserves has been high, but this policy can’t be evaluated just in terms of numbers. Once confidence is lost it can’t be easily restored. Then a lot of bad things can happen.”



PBoC officials knew that changing the way the central bank set the daily “fix” would unleash pent-up depreciation pressure, but they underestimated the intensity of the market reaction, according to analysts.



A move that might have been expected to produce a 5 per cent downward adjustment quickly threatened to spark a 10 or 20 per cent rout in a matter of days. Such an uncontrolled devaluation could have undermined the broader financial system by inciting investors to dump renminbi assets en masse.



The International Monetary Fund is likely to address exchange rate volatility, among other financial risks, when David Lipton, its deputy managing director, presents the fund’s annual financial stability report onChinatoday in Beijing.

今天,国际货币基金组织(IMF)副总裁戴维•利普顿(David Lipton)将在北京发布IMF有关中国的年度金融稳定性报告。届时,除了其他金融风险,该机构还可能提到汇率波动问题。


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