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作者: 来源: 日期:2016-06-02 19:41:32


Quercetin, a polyphenolic flavonoid, is abundant in human diet including apple, onions, grapes, red wine, and green tea, and its various health promoting effects such as antioxidant, antiviral, and anticancer activities have been studied in detail. However, studies that support clinical uses of quercetin are few presumably because of its unfavorable physicochemical as well as pharmacokinetic properties including oxidative degradation and fast metabolism. 


Pro-oxidative compounds in cell systems such as enzymes and transition metal cations are known to facilitate oxidative degradation of quercetin. Oxidative degradation has also been reported as the main cause of rapid elimination of quercetin from the cultured human hepatocarcinoma cell line. In spite of the lack of correct identification of the intermediates associated with the oxidative degradation, there seems to be a broad consensus that benzofuran-one E is one of the major degradation products that is formed by nucleophilic attack of water to the initially formed intermediate B followed by equilibration. In this respect, it is of particular interest that a free C3 hydroxyl is reported to be essential for formation of the key intermediate B, which suggests that transient protection of the C3 hydroxyl group with an adequate promoiety would stabilize quercetin against the devastating oxidative degradation.


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